Industry Coverage

The Industry Coverage screen lists industry categories according to your assumed profile.  You will receive calls for all industries in this list.  The default information may or may not be your most current.  You should review it and correct it by deleting or adding industries for which you want to receive calls.  See instructions below.

Be sure to update this information as your coverage changes to help ensure that the calls you are sent are the calls you should receive!

Notice, the Delete column on the right is not for adding industries.  The Add Industry button at the bottom of the screen is.

View industry coverage.

Delete an industry from your coverage.

Add an industry to your coverage.

  1. Click Add Industry.
    The Add Industry window appears.

  2. Select an industry from the drop down list.  If you need an industry that is not listed, contact Customer Service  (Click on Live Chat at the top of the main page).

  3. Click Save if you are done.
    Click Add to add another industry.

  4. Continue as necessary.